Mr. Beachley, the founder of this firm, has been a Texas lawyer since 1982, and Board Certified in both Civil Trial and Family Law since 1989. He has lived in Denton County since 1978 and has had his principal office in Denton County since 1986. He is a former director of the Denton County Bar Association and a former State Bar of Texas Grievance Committee Member.
This firm is bound by and observes both The Texas Lawyer’s Creed: A Mandate for Professionalism and the Denton County Customs and Practices for Lawyers. Texas Board Certified lawyers are bound by an extra oath to observe the Creed, and Mr. Beachley is proud to have been one of the members of the Denton County Bar Association who voted the Customs in. The Creed and the Customs form the conscience of our practice.
The Customs: http://www.dentonbar.com/customs_practices.shtml

My father was a surgeon, a doctor of the old school that believed in person-to-person care tailored to the individual patient’s individual needs. He believed that every patient he undertook to treat deserved the best he had to give. He believed in keeping his own skills sharp and his knowledge up-to-date. People came to him with their pain and he went right to work to fix it. He cared.
I have tried to follow his example. As your lawyer, part of my duty to you is to give you (when we are speaking privately) a more objective view so that you can make a choice informed by my best advice. But in dealing with the other side, I am your advocate and can never be objective. In either mode, advisor or advocate, I am on your side. I have to care about you to do my best work.
In my opinion, those lawyers who, like some newer doctors, only focus on the case/condition and treat the client/patient as just one more pile of paper to be pigeonholed, processed, and stamped "closed" are seriously deficient and probably toxic. If you accept me as your lawyer and I accept you as my client, it will be because we have, as two unique individuals, agreed to work together, to communicate freely and directly, and to come through this together.